The Blackville Women’s Institute was active during World War 1. In those days they held a meeting every week. The Institute rooms were in the old schoolhouse. The members gave liberally to the Red Cross, wound bandages, knit socks and mittens. They would send food boxes oversea with the very popular “Soldier’s Cake” for a treat of home cooking.
The institute was re-organized on October 28, 1931. The members have given support to all the activities of the newly incorporated village. The following is an impressive list of their work:
- United Nation’s Flag for School
- Gowns for Graduation
- Books for Library
- Books for Prizes
- Provided Annual Graduation Bursaries
- Provided Flags for Police Station
- Council Chambers for Fire Hall
- Gave Valentine Treats to Senior Citizens
- Quilts for people who lost homes by fire
- Enters floats in Village Parades
- Had a booth at Village Fair
The officers elected on October 28, 1931 were:
- President - Mrs. Robert MacLaggan
- Vice President - Mrs. Schofield
- Secretary - Mrs. Albert Underhill
- Treasurer - Mrs. Keough
- Directors - Mrs. Yuctice Underhill, Mrs. Albert Crawford, Mrs. Lily
In 2011, the Blackville Women's Institute celebrated their 80th Anniversary. Click here to view photos from the event.