40 Days of Stupidity

A smudged Ash Wednesday cross on the forehead

It’s the 40 days of Lent and twelve year old Pat has given up candy for the lenten season. Earning money from his neighbour Jim MacKenzie, Pat engineers a plan to buy and save until Easter, as much candy as he can at Jenny Hayes’ store. 40 Days of Stupidity is the nineteenth installment of…

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The Godparents’ Visit

Leslie, sitting in front of Katharine, was just a baby then, at about nine months old. Leonard, sitting in front of me and Johnny, was about three and a half. Respectively, me, Johnny, Marjorie and Katharine were twelve, thirteen, fifteen and seventeen years old.

In the eighteenth installment of Pat Fournier’s memoir, Memories of a Boy Growing Up in Blackville, the family receives a visit from Johnny’s godparents, Joan and Alban Boudreau. THE GODPARENTS’ VISIT Written by Pat Fournier July 1959 – twelve years old We had a nice visit one weekend by Joan and Alban Boudreau, who were…

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The Outhouse

A tarpaper-covered outhouse very much like ours

It’s the Spring of 1959 and Pat Fournier’s older brother Johnny has an unfortunate run-in with the family outhouse in the sixteenth installment of Pat’s memoir, Memories of a Boy Growing Up in Blackville. THE OUTHOUSE Written by Pat Fournier November 11, 1958 – eleven years old Our little sister Leslie is born.  Now there…

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Summer’s Gong

A gong game similar to the one set up at the Blackville Church Picnic

It’s the summer of 1958 and the residents of the village of Blackville and outlying communities have gathered for the social event of the year: St. Raphael’s annual church picnic. In this fifteenth installment of his memoir, Memories of a Boy Growing Up in Blackville, Pat Fournier reflects on the day’s events and recalls some…

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A Special Birthday Present

My Sunday missal

It’s the Spring of 1958 and eleven year old Pat Fournier received the only gift he really wanted for his birthday, a Sunday Missal. In this fourteenth installment of his memoir, Memories of a Boy Growing Up in Blackville, Pat reflects on St. Raphael’s church and Father Nowlan’s uncomfortable reading of the Sunday collections. A…

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Burned Out

Standing in what is left of our home: Terrence Walls with his hand on Eric Underhill’s shoulder, Jim MacKenzie, Michael McLaughlin, and Dale MacKenzie. You can see our swing tree in the back yard, and a pile of firewood by the back fence.

In 1957, nine year old Pat Fournier witnessed his family home burn down. In this thirteenth installment of his memoir, Memories of a Boy Growing Up in Blackville, Pat shares his memories of that time and how the family of seven overcame a tragic loss to have one of their best Christmases ever. This installment…

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Got Ya Back!

It’s the fall of 1956 and nine year old Pat is in trouble for tripping Lana Garwood in Mrs. Stephens’ class. Unbeknownst to him at the time, the antic is actually payback for an incident that occurred three years prior. Got Ya Back! is the twelfth installment of Pat Fournier’s memoir, Memories of a Boy…

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The First TV On Our Hill

It’s the summer of 1956 and Pat Fournier’s uncle Stan has purchased the first television in his neighbourhood. In this eleventh installment of his memoir “Memories of a Boy Growing Up in Blackville”, Pat recalls the Saturday afternoons spent at Stan and Greta’s house watching Roy Rogers and Rin Tin Tin. THE FIRST TV ON…

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Ninth Birthday Party

Blackville High School 1955-56 Grade 3 class Back row: Gail Underhill, Graham Parks, Jack MacDonald, Michael McLaughlin, Johnny Fournier, Gary Gillespie, Gordon Underhill, John Corney, Shirley Dunnett Middle row: Connie Walls, Gertrude Furlotte, Mitzie Delassio, Annie Stewart, Anna Moody, Joyce Morehouse, Sharon Gillespie, Helen Muck, Judy Ross Front row: Patty Fournier, Brian Stephens, Brian Mersereau, Graham Campbell, Walter Frenette, Herman Vickers. Teacher: Miss Marie Burns

In the tenth installment of Pat Fournier’s memoir, Memories of a Boy Growing Up in Blackville, the Fournier family welcomes a baby boy, Leonard, in the winter of 1955 and Pat celebrates his ninth birthday in the Spring of 1956. Written by Pat Fournier December 8, 1955 – eight years old My little brother Leonard…

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The Boy in the Casket

Doctor's Island and the Miramichi River

In this ninth installment of Pat Fournier’s memoir, “Memories of a Boy Growing Up in Blackville”, eight year old Pat struggles with the concept of death after a young boy, Allie Davidson, drowns in the summer of 1955. THE BOY IN THE CASKET Written by Pat Fournier June 1955 – eight years old This is…

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Bless Me Father

A confessional booth similar to the one in St. Raphael’s church

It was the first Friday in May of 1955 and eight year old Pat Fournier was going to confession… but what would he confess to? In this eighth installment of his memoir “Memories of a Boy Growing Up in Blackville”, Pat recalls the story of how the misfortune of another child from his neighbourhood lead…

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The ‘Chocolate Flu’

Album cover for 78 rpm record album of tunes by popular fiddler Ned Landry

On a late-July day in 1954, seven-year-old Pat Fournier and his siblings play a prank, with some unpleasant consequences, on their neighbour Ronald MacKenzie. The Chocolate Flu is the seventh installment of Pat’s memoir “Memories of a Boy Growing Up in Blackville”. THE ‘CHOCOLATE FLU’ Written by Pat Fournier July 1954 – Seven years old…

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