Former Anglican Minister Douglas Barrett to Visit Blackville

The Anglican Parish of Derby and Blackville is hosting a “Meet & Greet” with Doug Barrett on Sunday, Doug BarrettNovember 10 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm.

The open house will be held at Trinity Hall, 295 Main Street, in Blackville. All are welcome to stop by for tea and a chat with Doug.

Barrett, who is visiting the area, moved to Newfoundland with his wife Gwendolyn after retiring from the parish in June of 2011. He had been minister of Holy Trinity since the fall of 2003. Doug has recently been received into the Roman Catholic Church as a lay person.

This visit comes in the wake of the death of his wife, Gwen, in late September of this year. A memorial service in her honour was held at Holy Trinity on October 24.

For more information about Holy Trinity Anglican Church, visit their website at


  1. Jim Martin on July 12, 2022 at 12:22 pm

    RIP July 12th, 2022 Fr. Barrett passed.

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